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P.O. Box 1095 Saratoga, WY 82331

(307) 326-8855

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Protecting Your Construction Business From a Recession: A Brief Guide

The idea of a recession is scary. After all, the last thing any business owner wants is for their company to suffer financial hardship. However, as we've seen time and again, recessions are an inevitable part of the economic cycle. And while we can't predict exactly when the next one will hit, we can prepare ourselves — and our businesses — for when it does.


As a construction business owner, you need to be especially mindful of the potential impact a recession can have on your company. After all, construction is often one of the first industries to feel the effects of an economic downturn. So, what can you do to protect your business? Consider the key tips in this guide.

Reduce Debt and Cut Costs Where You Can

During a recession, it's important to reduce debt and cut costs wherever possible. This may mean renegotiating loans or leases, downsizing your office space, or reducing inventory levels. You can even switch to digital filing, which will save you money on paper, toner, and expensive office equipment rentals. Simply use a smartphone app or a small scanner and then use this tool to create a PDF online. Whatever actions you take, the goal should be to reduce expenses so that your business can remain profitable even if revenues start to decline.

Don't Let Your Best Workers Go

One of the best ways to weather a recession is to have a strong team in place — a team of employees who are dedicated to your company and who have the skills and experience to get the job done right. During a downturn, it's more important than ever to hang onto your best employees. But that's not always easy. In order to keep your top talent, you need to offer competitive wages and enough work to keep them busy.

Concentrate on Accurate Job Costs

Another way to protect your construction business during a recession is to more accurately estimate job costs. This will help you avoid project delays and cost overruns, which can quickly eat into your profits. There are a number of ways to improve your estimating skills, but one of the most effective is to use software that specializes in construction cost estimation. This type of software can help you quickly and accurately estimate the cost of materials, labor, and overhead for any given project.

Keep Close Track of Revenue Projections

Another key tip for protecting your construction business during a recession is to closely monitor revenue projections. This will help you identify any potential problems early on so that you can take steps to mitigate them. For example, if you see that revenues are starting to lag behind projections, you may need to adjust your pricing or find ways to reduce costs in order to stay profitable. Closely monitoring revenue projections will help you keep your finger on the pulse of your business and make adjustments as needed — something that can mean all the difference during a recession.

Raise Your Cash Reserves

Another way to prepare for a recession is by boosting cash reserves. This will give you some financial cushioning in case revenues start to decline. One way to raise cash reserves is by taking out a line of credit before a downturn hits. That way, you'll have access to funding if you need it, but you won't have to pay interest on the loan until you actually use the funds.

Transition From an LLC to an S Corp or C Corp

Finally, another way construction business owners can prepare for a recession is by converting their LLCs into S corporations or C corporations. Doing so can help save money on taxes — something that can be crucial during tough economic times. If you're not sure whether converting to an S corp is right for your business, speak with an attorney or advisor who can help you weigh the pros and cons.

Implement Processes to Protect Your Business

No one likes thinking about recessions, but as a construction business owner, you need to be prepared in case one hits. By taking steps like cutting costs where you can, retaining your best employees, more accurately estimating job costs, raising cash reserves, and more, you can overcome whatever the economy throws your way.

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